Projekt 52 2009

Bei Saris Projekt 52 (allg. Infos; Themen; alle Teilnehmer) geht es darum, jede Woche ein Foto zu einem vorgegebenen Thema zu schießen – dies sind meine:

16: Passion

Topic 16: Passion

…and this shows my passion for photography – with a look into the “eye” of the camera (in this case the Tamron 28-300 VC, flashed with the pocket camera) and my photo series archive where I’m presenting several of my photos here in the blog.

Bild 17 von 55

(Comments apply to an entire gallery, not to a single picture. So please comment on the respective posts in which I introduce the pictures when they are new – links to these are contained in the pictures’ descriptions (the “week” headlines).)

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