Links and Video of the Week (2012/01) 2012-01-08 Forgot to mention my latest big Lego creation last week (Flickr, MOCpages): National Geographic Photography Contest Winners: 2011 One year in one image (and in timelapse) (via CHaosZone) Fishing under ice – (via Wurgl)
Stylons1 2012-01-09 at 16:02 3 Comments
Die Bilder vom NG Photography Contest sind wirklich fabelhaft. Perfekte Bilder wenn es darum gheht sich in einen bestimmten Moment hineinversetzen zu können.
Hillary2 2012-01-11 at 20:42 38 Comments
wow that fishing underwater video is nuts.
The Lego town is just plain cool.
cimddwc 2012-01-11 at 21:07 6367 Comments
Thanks. And it’s but a small part of what will come in the next few(?) years…