Comment moderation per post

What is this WordPress plugin good for?

If you usually want all comments appear right away without moderation, but occasionally write about a controversial topic that might result in problematic comments (e.g. name-calling) which you’d like to moderate first, then this plugin helps.

You simply pick the IDs (identification numbers) of the posts or pages whose comments should always be moderated.

Note: There seems to be a problem with WordPress 4.4, causing all comments to be moderated. I currently don’t have the time to look into it, maybe in January…




  1. Download and unpack the Zip file.
  2. Enter the desired post IDs in ag-moderate-some-comments.php.
  3. Upload this PHP file to wp-content/plugins/ or wp-content/plugins/ag-moderate-some-comments/ in your WordPress installation.
  4. Activate it in the Admin area under “Plugins”.


For now, you have to enter the IDs of the desired posts/pages directly into the plugin’s PHP file (which is still more comfortable than editing the core source code files directly, especially when thinking of WordPress updates). You just shouldn’t be someone who shies away from source code. :)

For example, the source code line would look like this for posts 1, 23 and 313:

    $mod_for_posts = array( 1, 23, 313 );

If requested, I could add an option page some time…

For testing, it can’t hurt to log out(!) and write a test comment (when using the “Subscribe to Comments” plugin, you shouldn’t do that where otheres have already commented, though).

Where do I find the posts’ IDs?

Who, like me, doesn’t use “nice permalinks”, can see the ID directly in the URL, e.g. /?p=1 (for posts) or /?page_id=310 (for pages).

Otherwise, you see them in the Admin area under “Manage – Pages” (or “Posts”) right in the first column of the table, or also in the URLs of the “Edit” links in the blog when you’re logged in – in this case, in the post parameter, e.g. /wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=123.

Version History

  • 0.1 – 9 Dec 2007: first release

Update: Here is a more comfortable plugin from someone else for the same purpose.

1 Trackback

  1. J

    Mit Optionsseite, von der man online aus die Post-IDs angeben kann, wäre sehr toll, dann könnte man das Plugin auch nutzen, wenn man gerade keinen Quellcode-Zugriff hat (an anderen Rechnern, unterwegs via Handy). Dann würde ich es auch quasi sofort installieren. ;)

  2. c

    Im Admin-Bereich kann man die Plugin-Dateien normalerweise auch editieren (wie gut das mit dem Handy geht, kann ich nicht sagen…). Nun ja, wenn ich mal dazu komme, kann ich eine Optionsseite einbauen, aber es wird wohl ’ne Weile dauern.

  3. J

    Ich glaube ich werde es aus aktuellem Anlass mal testen.

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