Dull colors in Chrome 61/62

Just a quick computer hint: Since the recent update of the Chrome browser to version 61, the colors were dull on my Windows 10 – not just on the web pages, but also the icons of the user interface. Solution found here:

Open the page chrome://flags, find the setting “Color correct rendering” and change it to Disabled.

(Sometimes something can be too “correct”, it seems…)

Update for Chrome 62: Apparently they changed something again and removed this option – setting “Force color profile” to sRGB seems to do the trick now.


  1. c

    Thank you for that info – including the recent update to Chrome 62.

  2. S

    The second option worked for me
    -setting “Force color profile” to sRGB

    Thanks a bunch man :)

  3. D

    Yup, setting “Force color profile” to sRGB did it for me.
    My issue was, Colors in google drive sheet were looking dull

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