At least 31% more, what the hell, at least 3x more servers for Deutsche Bahn (German Railways)! That’s my demand, and I’m gonna go on strike for that now! Anyone wants to join?
Those who are currently looking for backup schedules on must be very lucky to get at least the page’s title after an hour… and that when I want to go by train tomorrow.
The long-distance schedule, at least, is also available at (left hand side, “Mehr zum Thema”), but which short-distance trains will run and which won’t? Who wants to get to the station in time for one of the 50% of trains that will be cancelled, and with having to change trains later, too?
Update: Kinda funny, just after I had written that, the servers are reacting quite almost quickly again…
Michael1 2007-11-14 at 16:44 253 Comments
Da haben sie extra für dich, neue Server aufgestellt!
cimddwc2 2007-11-14 at 16:47 6367 Comments
Wenn sie sonst immer so schnell reagieren würden…
Gordo3 2007-11-14 at 18:13 3 Comments
Achja, die Bahn, allmählich ist das so ein Standard-Nachrichten-Thema geworden, dass es, außer Betroffenen, nichtmehr wargenommen wird (ähnlich wie Klima, “Killerspiele” etc).