Quotes of the Day (8)

The bishop of Eichstätt Gregor Maria Hanke to the Donaukurier (my translation):

For all christians, the encyclical “Spe salvi” could be an incentive now to live paschal hope and make clear “that even in times of uncertainty, we have a future given to us by God.”

I think it would be better if we didn’t hope for a godly present for our future, but instead tackle the problems here on earth ourselves – not just for oneself, but for other people and for future generations.

Which leads us to the second quote:

“If you believe you’re going to be resurrected after you die, which I think is a fairy tale, this is ultimately a dissatisfying way to promote life, and I don’t think that it’s going to get us anywhere as a culture.”

Natalie Angier, Pulitzer prize winning science writer for The New York Times, in a debate “God vs. Science” (via Pharyngula)

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