The Number of the Beast

Here is wisdom.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of this post
for it is a human number,
its number is


And in this 666th post, I got a diabolical special edition of search request “replies”:

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

pfaffenhofen devil
[deep, thunderous voice] YOU HAVE FOUND HIM!

do you want to change the devil
[deep, thunderous voice] HA HA HA! YOU’LL NEVER MANAGE THAT, YOU WORM!

the devil ass
[deep, thunderous voice] NOW DON’T BE INSULTING!

[deep, thunderous voice, louder] HEY, IF SOMEONE’S SCREAMING HERE, IT’S ME!

angel and devil porn pictures
[deep, thunderous voice] WE DON’T TAKE PHOTOS!

*cough* Alright, seriously now:

is there a devil uri geller how can a table bleed
I said seriously! :roll: Or are people really stupid enough to connect a magic trick such as a “bleeding” table with the devil??

I’ve crossed “the door” and I don’t like what I see....but a devil is only a sick Angel
And I’ve read “the search requests” and I don’t like some of them, either… but it’s rather cold outside.

What do men want angels or devils

Halloween devil update
Erm, what’re you tryin’ to say?

devil motive 4 you 2
Erm, what’re you tryin’ to say?

if you wont to give your soul to the real devil how do you and what do you say
Counterquestion: How do you think you’re able to recognize the real devil (assuming for a moment there was one)?

windel devil
Wouldn’t you prefer diaper teufel?

:teufel: I think that’s enough for today. Bye, I’ll go and sacrifice a few goats now, and remember, i wanna be your god i wanna be your devil too.

More about this silly number mysticism e.g. in the Wikipedia.

Fiery text created with Flamewordmaker

1 Trackback

  1. b

    Teifi, teifi.

  2. c

    Naa, bloß oa Teifi.

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