Carnival Rapture

PZ Myers reports again about that, pardon, moron who, ignoring all reason (and web design considerations – warning, eye cancer!), keeps giving new dates for the “Rapture” of the true™ believers with the end-of-the-world return of Jesus; each date in the near future, and of course they never came true. At any rate, he’s more careful now and adds preconditions to his claims. Currently he says:

WARNING: If an economic collapse occurs on 11/9/2009, THEN: The Rapture takes place on 11/11/2009!

And yes, that’s the original design.

What a miracle, he’s undoubtedly right!

  1. Tomorrow, Nov 9, is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The official celebration includes huge dominoes being toppled as a symbol for the fall of the Wall; compared to re-erecting and tearing down an actual concrete wall, this is certainly cheaper, i.e. more economic – so the economic collapse is given.
  2. Nov 11, 11:11am marks the beginning of the carnival season (in some areas), and several hours later, many “fools” will certainly be “raptured” from solid ground – by alcolol.

OMG! Bow down to the new prophet!! HE SPOKE THE TRUTH!!!one

Guess I’ll start copying his web design style for all my sites, that must give me some advantage in heaven!


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