Projekt 52 2009

Bei Saris Projekt 52 (allg. Infos; Themen; alle Teilnehmer) geht es darum, jede Woche ein Foto zu einem vorgegebenen Thema zu schießen – dies sind meine:

17: Madness/frenzy/...

Topic 17: Madness/frenzy/…

It’s “Wahnsinn” in German, and that can be used in multiple ways: as mental state/illness, as crazy deed, as expression of enthusiasm, as comparison… What you can “see” here are cellphone photos in insanely bad quality from an insanely great concert: Subway to Sally last night in Munich, and the ecstasy in the audience was even greater than the “camera” noise.

:rocks: :rocks: :rocks:

And I fear I made two faux pas: I took the S-Bahn instead of the subway (U-Bahn) to get there, and I didn’t eat a sandwich at that sandwich chain. Oh oh…

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(Comments apply to an entire gallery, not to a single picture. So please comment on the respective posts in which I introduce the pictures when they are new – links to these are contained in the pictures’ descriptions (the “week” headlines).)

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