Projekt 52 2011

Bei Saris Projekt 52 (allg. Infos; Themen; alle Teilnehmer mit und ohne feste Figur) geht es darum, jede Woche ein Foto zu einem vorgegebenen Thema zu schießen – dies sind meine:

14/17/19: Weather frog, Feathry, Green Hell

Projekt 52 Topic 14+17+19: Weather frog, Feathry, green Hell

The penguin was offered an alledgedly lucrative side job as weather frog – though that turned out to be badly paid, too deep in a “green hell” and with lackluster hygiene (how long has that feather been hanging there? And what happened to his predecessor??). Given that, it’s rather too polite that he declined the offer just saying “the ladder’s too small for me”…

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