Spiegel Online has a bunch of over 20 strange cases (from German courts) and laws…
You want examples?
- If a man whirls his dance partner against her will so over the dancefloor that both fall out of a window, the dancer must pay medical costs and compensation to the woman.
- The head of every dead whale that’s found on the British coasts belongs to the king. The tail belongs to the queen – in case she needs the bones to make a corset.
- Even if a panel doctor declares she’s working particularly fast, she must pay back some of her fee if her balance adds up to a working time of 26 hours a day.
daVoika1 2007-09-12 at 10:56 6 Comments
DAs wirklich traurige und gefährliche daran ist, daß ich es ohne zu prüfen sofort glaube…