Search Queries

So what were people searching for to reach this little blog of mine? (Note that I translated most German search words to English in this post.) Over 500 people from all over the world wanted to know something about Triple H’s quasi-latin sentenceGenibus Nitito Canus” (or parts thereof) – and found it here, and, thanks to some eager commenters, quite detailed. By the way, 7,5% of these had already corrected the most obvious mistake “canus” to “canis.”

303 people (as of Sep 12.9. noon) were looking for info about the “Kaffeefahrten” rip-off disguised as poll – 37% with various combinations of its title “EU-Staaten Mineralöl-Umfrage”, 47% only with parts of the address “Gewinnzentrale, Postfach 1129, 49430 Neuenkirchen”, and 16% combinied both. And three handfull found something about unsolicited calls and answering machine.

However, polls about usb excite only few people, as well as thunderstorm 8.6.2007 or things with unusual names such as babyface ralph belgium – wait a minute, calling a child a thing?!? :nono: ;)

By the way, a hint for translations, e.g. of it’s a gas (are gas masks really a sensation?), so square (yes, squares are really bourgeois), drip right (luckily, nothing’s dripping on the left hand side), volksfest translate: Dictionaries such as that at LEO are more useful than Google & co.

Two dozens were actually searching for dummy text parts like Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit of various lengths up to 800 characters! They only find something here because (without using quotes) the order of the words doesn’t matter and Google regards only the first 32 of them.


What? Boring? Yes, e.g. “das blonde Alien” writes terrific search comments (in German), but since I’m not using words like cock, fuck, tits in this blog, I’m only getting more “innocent” search queries that just yield less (except for cum shot which can have only come squirting by due to a spam comment that temporarily has not been treated as such); at most, something like:

do men wear thongs?

Others already know the answer: männer tragen string (=men wear thong). :mrgreen: Just wondering why they’re searching, then… I doubt, though, that men in thongs galleries, strings männer, thongs for men found here what they were looking for. Just like hotpants shorts eng (eng=tight) here.

It’s hard to tell which kind of photos the searcher had in mind with lucy lawless photos – that was, by the way, one of the very first search hits here, thanks to this dwarf planet. Several fans of the planet closest to the sun of Freddie Mercury or Montreux found something, though: in the galleries.

Well now, 13 times all the best! (thanks!) and happy new year. Erm, ain’t that a bit early? Well, 2008 calendars are in the shops for months, and some christmas pastries, too, of course. So only one thing remains:

the end

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