Blog link exchange syndicates are somehow “in” – to me, too, somehow – so a little intermediate result to these three services: is just intended for English-language blogs; I had their widget, for which you cannot configure anything but picking one of about a dozen border colors, here first at the bottom, then more to the top, when English was chosen. The operators are about to check all registered blogs according to their quality guidelines, which I think is a good idea.
Unfortunately, they deactivated mine, without telling what exactly they dislike (just sent the guideline list), so I can only speculate that maybe there was one German screen shot too many (the translation of which they missed), or whatever else. Maybe they reply to that question… and my wish to delete my account, which they forgot to offer on the Web.
Anyway, I couldn’t notice significant numbers of visitors coming via* (for German blogs) is somehow just dawdling around – I see only 2-3 links here, 2 of which always the same (or at least from the same blogs), plus their own, and due to the inflexible IFRAME format (which causes a lot of free space with so few links) I couldn’t move it up higher, away from the bottom of the sidebar. On the other hand, it doesn’t bother down there, so it remains active for now…* (also German only), however, does things mostly right: Extensive crediting (for views and clicks), nearly complete configurability to adapt to your own blog design (which is often recommended for Google Ads placement, too, thanks to “banner blindness” of many surfers) – and they are actively communicating with their users (e.g. on their own blog) and often listen to their wishes.
Even if their statistics are not extensive yet – what they do offer is more than found elsewhere, and they offered it faster. They also worked on the unpleasant double listing (did they?) – and they actually gave me some visitors.
For these reasons, – you can see it here with German language setting between RSS/galleries and poll, by the way – my clear favorite among these syndicates, and I wish them ongoing success.
* These links contain my referrer code so that I get credits if you register through them.
Philipp1 2007-10-22 at 16:34 2 Comments
Genau meine Meinung. ist wirklich der beste Dienst im Moment. Und ja, ich bin über Blogfever hier her gekommen.
BTW: Schönes Halloween-Design.
cimddwc2 2007-10-22 at 16:43 6333 Comments
Juergen3 2007-10-22 at 18:50 2 Comments
Danke für die netten Zeilen!
m.o.m.4 2007-10-24 at 15:06 8 Comments
Ist schon interessant, wie die Meinungen differieren. Ich finde Blogfever eher schlechter (nicht schlecht! Sondern für mich persönlich schlechter).
Dafür finde ich z.B. Criteo besser.
Aber das ist gut so und belebt das Geschäft.
cimddwc5 2007-10-24 at 15:19 6333 Comments
Hab ich gelesen – da ich Criteo aber selber nicht ausprobiert habe, konnte ich es schlecht mit den anderen oben vergleichen.
Der größte Unterschied ist ja offenbar, dass Criteo die Blogs an sich verlinkt (samt Bild), die anderen drei aber Beitragstitel der Blogs – was mir eben wichtiger war (und ist). Aber wer weiß, vielleicht geb ich Criteo auch mal ’ne Chance…