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Another “great” offer for paid links arrived today by e-mail with the subject “An interesting Business Offer”:


Mistake 1: No personal address – so it’s likely that the sender didn’t really look at the blog.

I am webmaster of a few personal websites.

Mistake 2: Not a single one of these is given.

While looking for more related sites, I came across https://cimddwc.net/. I found your site very pleasing and would love to purchase text-links to my sites on it.

Mistake 2 repeated; mistake 3: No specification on how much the sender is offering to pay.

Please do come back on this with your views.

You get them here. If you actually happen to read it, that is.

Awaiting your response,

Liza Silva

Correct 1: A name is given, and it even matches the sender’s Google mail address.
Mistake 2 repeated again.

Conclusion: Not like this. If the sender really had related sites that also had a certain quality, he or she would not have to resort to “blind” link purchase but could instead just advertise the sites and hope that the recipient likes them so much he might even link to them of his own will. Which doesn’t mean that advertising sites by mail were recommended, since that’s just another kind of spam.

And the mandatory question begging for comments at the end: Are you receiving similar mails, too?

Poll about the links of the week

Vote! Since the end of last year, I’ve presented more or fewer links of the week every Sunday which briefly link to various posts, articles, etc. – and I’m asking myself (or rather you) if you think this should continue like that, or if I rather should present some or all of them on any day (i.e. when I come across them myself) in a separate post each, in which I’d write one or two sentences more or show a picture (if possible).

Background is that I think that on the one hand, some interesting things might rather pass unnoticed in the links of the week, and on the other hand (too?) many short “link posts” would be the result… so what do you think?

Links of the week or separate presentation?

  • Keep links of the week as they are now (78%, 7 Votes)
  • Partly this, partly that (11%, 1 Votes)
  • Don't care (11%, 1 Votes)
  • Rather separate posts on any day of the week (0%, 0 Votes)

Votes total: 9

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You can, of course, use the comments for further ideas.

Photo: absolut – Fotolia.com

Links of the Week (2008/15)

Short and sweet:

Links of the Day – 1 April 2008

calendar 1 Ordered according to my personal rating, best first:

  1. New blog (name): 49 Suns becomes SchnuffelblogSchnuffelblog (German).
  2. Catholic priests must read a disclaimer before sharing bread and wine (English; via Evil under the Sun)
  3. “April Fools” etc. become registered trademarks (German).
  4. Super Pii Pii Brothers – Amazing Virtual Pee Experience from Japan (English, via aptgetupdate)
  5. No new WordPress after version 2.5 (German).
  6. Rather technical: Security leak in WordPress 2.5 (German).


Cartoon of the day at explosm.net (English) (via Tonnendreher).