Scissors help copyright violation and must be forbidden

As you know, there are laws in many countries forbidding the circumvention of copy protection/DRM functions – thus often standing in the way of sensible, basically allowed use of already paid products by honest customers, putting them down as criminals – and letting them preferrably pay multiple times –; the actual dedicated pirates, though, are hardly held back.


Wellington Grey now has a nice little presentation about the consequences of applying this stupidity to physical objects instead of media data, with the example of a CD-ROM sleave’s silly seal, the breaking of which would result in accepting the contract that’s contained on the CD inside


(via Wil Wheaton)

1 Trackback

  1. G

    Thank you for linking to my site.


  2. jL

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Ich hab sogar das exakt gleiche Scherenmodell. Uiui, da muss ich wohl aufpassen, wa!?!?

  3. c

    You’re welcome, Grey!

    Julia says she got exactly the same scissors model, and I got a very similar one… so we both gotta watch out, too :)

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