The German TV magazine HörZu reports in its current issue about „fortune telling on TV“ on AstroTV and Co. under the headline “collusive game” (everything translated by me):
“But in truth, the pendulum swingers and card readers want one thing above all others: the money of those seeking counsel.”
They also mention a woman who spent 38.000 € in one year for phone calls and became indebted beyond hope.
I wouldn’t have anything to add to that if it wasn’t for the chairman of the German astrologers association, Dr. Schubert-Weller, being also quoted (emphasis mine):
“TV formats, hotlines and similar things in which astrological counsel is being offered raise considerable doubts in respectability. The time just is insufficient to properly understand the concerns of the consulter and work on a trustworthy horoscope.”
Horoscopes trustworthy, respectable? Pah! At most in the following sense, and the choice of the word “work on” above seems appropriate:
Let’s quote (and translate) more, this time from the (German) text of the GWUP about astrology (emphases mine):
“From a scientific point of view, any form of astrology appears unsustainable. […]
The quality of astrologic life coaching is highly depending on the competence of the astrologer, in any case, the astrologer does not take any information from the horoscope, instead he puts the information into it. By this, he can, of course, achieve correct statements and sensible advice. This just has nothing to do with astrology, it only feigns a “higher” legitimation of the statements and advice for the customer than a normal psychologist conducting a counseling interview.”
I think it’s a pity that despite all enlightenment, education and today’s life’s modernity there are still so many people who believe in zodiac sign influences & Co.
juliaL491 2007-12-07 at 18:05 912 Comments
Ha, jetzt wollte ich was darüber schreiben, wie Richard Dawkins in “Unweaving the Rainbow” das so toll erklärt hat und da bin ich auf seiner Seite hängen geblieben….
U.a. weil ich einen Button für die Out Campaign bei mir einfügen wollte.
Jedenfalls ist Unweaving the Rainbow (Der entzauberte Regenbogen) genau das richtige Gegenmittel zur Astrologie!
cimddwc2 2007-12-07 at 19:34 6316 Comments
Ich denke, das sollte ich mir auch mal zur Gemüte führen. “Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder” ist ein netter Untertitel…
Und einen möglichen nachweihnachtlichen Ersatz für Prinzzess’ Advenzkalenderbutton hab ich dank dir jetzt auch.
PS: Falls du dich über die nötige Moderation deines Kommentars gewundert haben solltest: Bei den tollen Urteilen, die da aus Hamburg kommen, hab ich das lieber bei diesem Beitrag, der ja auch so einen Call-in-Sender betrifft, eingeschaltet…
juliaL493 2007-12-08 at 8:33 912 Comments
Das mit der Moderation habe ich mir schon genau so gedacht
Und beim Buch hält der Untertitel wirklich genau was er verspricht!
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