A satire inspired by other, toootally realistic offers by a feng shui teacher at a folk high school…1
Did you know that your house number tells more about you and influences your life much deeper than you thought? Yes, numerology is a highly interesting science! The right knowledge about your house number and the appropriate measures will grant you a totally new access to it – to your life, that is, not to your house.
And you don’t have to spend 70, 80 or even 100€ per hour for it – no, I’m offering this service completely for free for your personal well-being, in order to improve my karma! (Alright, the highly recommended additional offers mentioned below are only available for cash, but so what, you owe that to yourself!)
Let’s get to the analysis of your house number – keep in mind that every number has its own emotional quality and energy!
House number | Meaning |
1 | You lucky fellow! Your personal potential got the best prerequisites to unfold freely! Now you only must make sure to use radiesthetic measurements in order to accomplish the optimum energy level and the most harmonic energy flow! |
2 | You should seriously consider to tear down your house and rebuild it stritcly adhering to feng shui guidelines. Because it’s the goal of feng shui, taking into account all laws of nature, to optimally guide the flow of energy for you! |
3 | The only thing missing to your absolute luck are the right geomantic triangular stone placements – an ancient shaman ritual, even older than Waayatan’s magic tricks! But they must be performed at full or new moon only! |
4 | Houses with the number 4 are prone to many disturbance areas under the bed (since many beds have 4 feet) – unfortunately regardless of where the bed is placed. So the only option you got is to put your bed into your (feng-shui optimized!) garden or, if you got no garden (what? no garden? everyone needs a feng shui garden!!), only sleep in hammocks. |
5 | You tend to take everything too relaxed. That’s not good for business rooms, since you care about a good work climate, don’t you? But also for private rooms it’s important: At all costs, do use humane colors and shapes! |
6 | Your street number causes a hexagon in your thoughts and thus causes energetic blockades. You really have to attend a renowned spiritual healer – now I’m none myself, but I’ll certainly find one in the vicinity that I can recommend. (For a little fee.) |
7 | Ah, the 7, a truly msytic number! You only need just one teeny addidtinal energization of your walls, and then you can protect your living area from foreign influences – and all that without any aluminum-foil hat! |
8 | Octagonal tensions in your family are virtually preprogammed – only systemic family constellations will help, they will allow you to assume your position in your life systems! |
9 | Nine nine, erm, no no, that’s not a good number. You should immediately look for another address – but beware: first calculate the day quality to scientifically determine the best day for moving! |
others | Look at one digit after another; if there’s a 0, potentiate your efforts regarding the recommendations of the other digit(s)! |
with letters (e.g. 11a) |
Oh oh oh, that’s very bad for the angelic powers. Immediately put cosmic crystal mandalas on all your exterior walls and without gaps in order to request the free energies from the cosmos! These powers are available to any responsible person at any time and without costs! (Creating the correct mandalas isn’t, unfortunately.) |
with – or / (e.g. 5/2) |
Consider it an arithmetic problem; if a number with decimals results, look at the parts before and after the decimal point separately. If you |
Remember: “Humans are not, they become …”, so finally become so harmonic and send me half your monthly income for a good feeling! You’ll see it will work! Work for me in any case, that is; it works for you if you really really belive in it!
Photo: tsk/sxc
Consuela1 2009-02-06 at 10:05 27 Comments
Ich bin weder Fleisch noch Fisch mit der Hausnummer 19
Na prima, und nun?
Stefan 2009-02-06 at 10:27 40 Comments
In diesem Fall darfst du sicherlich die Quersumme bilden. Bildest du dann nochmals die Quersumme, dann bist du eine astreine 1, also ein echter Glückpilz! Toll, oder? Bitte spende der GWUP, wenn dir diese Beratung gefallen hat.
cimddwc 2009-02-06 at 10:31 6347 Comments
Ne ne ne, Stefan, du kannst nicht einfach meine Regeln ändern – nur ich kenne die Wahrheit!™
Consuela, dann muss deine rechte Körperhälfte umziehen und die linke eine halbe Wünschelrute benutzen.
juliaL492 2009-02-06 at 17:51 912 Comments
Wie jetzt, die Zahlen werden nur einstellig betrachtet?!?! Ich dachte da kommt jetzt eine Auflistung bis über 600! Denn es dürfte bekannt sein, dass die Art und Reihenfolge der Zahlen unglaublich wichtig ist!
Ich kann z.B. nicht glauben, dass meine 69 eine Energieblockade heraufbeschwört, sondern was ganz Anderes bedeutet!
Consuela3 2009-02-06 at 19:13 27 Comments
Herrjeh, das ist aber kompliziert. Ich werde beim studieren des Wohnungsmarktes einfach auf eine positive, einstellige Nummer achten!
Was die 69 bedeutet, wissen wir doch alle nur zu gut
cimddwc4 2009-02-06 at 22:25 6347 Comments
Julia, du magst die FRSG sein, aber von Hausnummern-Numerologie hast du, so leid es mir tut, offenbar keine Ahnung.
Und wer bei 69 eine Blockade hat, hat vielleicht noch andere Probleme als die falsche Hausnummer.
Ecki5 2009-02-06 at 23:03 17 Comments
Ach du krist die Tür nicht zu. Da müßte ich aber schnell ausziehen.Ich wohne in der 23
cimddwc 2009-02-06 at 23:30 6347 Comments
Aber nur, wenn die Wohnung dreieckig ist.
FRSG6 2009-02-07 at 9:26 1 Comment
Aha, siehste mal, wer Google kann ist eindeutig im Vorteil! Jetzt weiß ich auch, was Ihr alle meint
Clarie7 2012-10-17 at 19:55 1 Comment
Ziehe demnächst in die Hausnr.6, was erwartet mich dort?
cimddwc 2012-10-17 at 20:03 6347 Comments
Deine neue Wohnung.
Ansonsten lässt sich aus der Hausnummer genau gar nichts herauslesen, solcher Numerologie-Kram ist Mumpitz (oder Satire wie mein Text oben)…
Anonymous8 2013-01-08 at 19:32 330 Comments
isabella9 2013-04-17 at 9:25 1 Comment
cimddwc 2013-04-17 at 9:31 6347 Comments
Dass der Postbote zwischen Nr. 47 und Nr. 51 suchen muss, um deinen Briefkasten zu finden.
Anonymous10 2015-12-23 at 21:34 330 Comments
Willst du mit diesem Scheiße nur Leute verarschen? So ein Blödsinn habe ich fast noch nie gehört.
cimddwc 2015-12-23 at 22:16 6347 Comments
Ich hab leider noch viel größeren Blödsinn gehört. Von Leuten, die’s ernst meinen.