Pretty English sentences in English

Ausschau haltend Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesYou’ll get it really…. try again…

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

pretty english sentences in english
Pity, I only got pretty German sentences in German in store…

are number 4s bad in your house number
Just written this house number numerology satire, and already people are searching for that stuff. :roll:

your touch, your face, across the milky way, and then she says
What is she saying, then?

German language mehrere jungs beim arzt boxershorts ausziehen
Yes, that’s German language.

take off underwear at the doctor
Recommended when he’s supposed to examine you in places that are covered by your underwear.

how to undo panties
If you can’t do that yourself, you should either ask the person who put the panties on you, or use a bolt cutter.

photo´s handcuffs body
For that plural capostrophe, your body really should be put in handcuffs, yes. And then given a proper whipping…

he can’t love me because i’m black
Then just let that racist go. Or did you mean:

put my head down michael jackson
…so you can give him a blowjob? Get lost, I don’t want that stuff here!

pictures of how the moon looks in the next 30 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even the 140% increase in the number of exclamation marks compared to last week won’t change my answer: Won’t!! look!! that!! much!! different!!!!!!!!!!!

I want evidence that aliens exist
You know, everyone should demand them instead of believing all that UFO alien crap right away! It’s just that noone can give you such evidence.

what can you do to prevent head shaking
Stay away from mystics and popes.

aquablue not working
Welcome to reality! (It’s a mystic “water treatment” thing that I once wrote about in German only.)

stefan gödde wiki lovers
I don’t think that the “The Next Uri Geller” host and Wiki are lovers.

ever had 6 correct numbers?
Yes, but spanning multiple lotto tips, unfortunately.

all names of the 2nd season series in german
Erm, of what series?

use God
Many believers and church leaders do that, each in their own way. Surprisingly exploitable for something that doesn’t even exist…

what’s a 9 long edges 6 corners
A triangular prism, I’d say. (Two triangles above each other, its corners connected.)

I await your confirmation
Pfff, search for it yourself.

:bye: Bye, that’s it for this week, and remember: If you think I’m crazy… That’s Right..

Photo: Coka –


  1. b

    immer wieder schön zu lesen, besonders, wenn man gerade aufgestanden ist :mrgreen:

    • c

      Das mit dem “gerade aufgestanden” musst du immer wieder erwähnen, was? :) Da wird man leicht neidisch, Zeitzonen hin oder her…

  2. t

    Ok, interessante Suchbegriffe. So richtig gute Suchanfragen haben wir auf Stylz4Life nicht mehr. Liegt daran, dass wir uns von der Schwiegermutter distanziert und das Thema ausgelagert haben. Aber ansonsten scheint der moderne Surfer nicht wirklich intelligenter geworden zu sein, oder? :)

    • c

      Oder die weniger intelligenten Surfer landen immer häufiger hier. Ob ich mir da Sorgen machen muss…? :)

  3. b

    nein, nein, ich habe es nach dem Aufstehen gesehen und später kommentiert *schwör*

  4. ein satz mit route :)

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