Cheating was never easier…

The quizzes at the German online news magazine site Spiegel Online never made it hard to cheat, you can simply go back in the browser, you even are encouraged to do so especially since they usually don’t mention the correct answers after clicking the wrong ones.

The current geometry quiz now even contains (alongside more challenging ones) questions like “Can you split this [displayed] figure into four congruent areas?” with the answer options

  • Yes, sure, I know how to do that.
  • No, I don’t manage it.
  • I think that’s impossible.

:loll: Sure, how would they let us draw solutions…? Anyway, even here, if you select a No answer, you just get encouraging tips, the solution is only explained in detail at the Yes answer – so, many will be able to read at the end: “You scored 14 out of 14 points.”

While that may not be bad with regard to knowledge transfer – especially for a mathematical quiz –, encouraging people to think and all – anyway, the SpOn quiz system needs to be revised somehow…

Or does anyone believe me now that I really got every question right, some of which, admittedly, with educated guesses?

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