Ban! Liberate Virtual Cards!

No, nothing about Tibet – instead, another automatic translation from Russian (possibly via English) into German giving a potentially dangerous spam mail a funny side:

Guten Tag! Bei Ihnen die neue Postkarte. Bekommen Sie nach dieser Verbannung!

Sie haben eine virtuelle Karte erhalten!
Sie konnen die Karte innerhalb von 30 Tagen ansehen, unter der Verweisung gehend:
Klick der Verbindung auf oder Kopie es zur Adressbar des Internet-Browsers.

Befreien Virtuelle Karten!

Which re-translates to English like this (trying to translate wrong German terms into wrong English terms):

Good day! At you the new postcard. You receive after this ban/banishment!

You received a virtual card!
You can view the card within 30 days, under the relegation going:
Click of the connection on or copy it to addressbar of the internet browser.

Liberate Virtual Cards!

Well, it’s nice to receive something after being banned/banished… but the most harmless things that can happen when you click that link is that the pretended error page showers you with ads (which parts of the source code indicate – I didn’t open it in a browser) – such pages are known for trying to use security holes to infect the computer with lots of malware (cf. German Antispam Forum), so:

:arrow: Don’t click! There’s no card there!

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