Anghela No. 3

– Continued from (1) “Dear (Mr) Anghela” and (2) “Reply from Anghela”

(Again, I’ll try to make this the mockery of a scam in bad German have some sense to you English readers…)

Thank you for “My new letter, personaly for you” – but you took only my nickname from my mail and didn’t notice anything of what I had written. That makes me sad. :( Women who are just talking and talking without ever listening to the few words others say will probably have partnership problems in the long run…

And about letter maintenance, impatient or not – “I will care your letter by the impatience” – you’re a fine one to talk!

But I can reassure you regarding “I am more and bigger began to convince that I got the attachments to you.” The three pictures attached to the mail were okay (reproduced here in small format only):

Scam-Anghela photos 6,7,8

Yes, Anghela, “of course, I knew that for the love to any place inside go will is)”, especially “who me of something I astonish :-) could dreamed.” That is so “Really, if to think.” So I actually, before receiving your mail, was bored a little – so go ahead, your turn, because you want “to be bored after you!!!!”

My favorite friend! I said such words nobody already for long not.” Except to many others who replied to you, you polygamist. And also regarding “The understanding is it is between the people very important, if they want the relationships to have”, the only thing I can do now is to end our “relationship,” for, as mentioned, you don’t even try to understand a little bit of what I wrote to you.

So I wish you, too, “the good mood on these days” and will, as you’re asking by saying “forget me (Smile not!!!)”, forget you. And I’ll keep remembering Smile anyway.


(PS: If you, dear reader, happen to own the rights of these pictures the spammers used, just send me a little note and I’ll remove them.)

Show entire spam text (German) ▼

By the way, the German c’t reported in its broadcast from 20 Oct 2007 about such frauds (well, maybe more professional ones) that just want to grift pretended travel costs.

See also this German antispam forum here and there

Continued: Anghela 4.0

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