Reply from Anghela

– Continued from this funny spam mail from 9 Oct.

(Again, I’ll try to make this the mockery of a spam in bad German have some sense to you English readers…)

Thank you for replying, Anghela, even though it took you two days to “read” my minimalist mail (so please don’t complain with “I to want, that you had replied faster”) – to reply with a downright, but language-wise wrong novel.

As you write yourself: “When you will really understand my letters, means, me it is good to teach German.” Oooh yes, it would really be good to teach you German so that you don’t need to have your Russian-English (mails contain untranslated English words) babelfish-translated

Anyway, it’s nice that you reveal so much about yourself, such as “Me call Anghela, but my friends, me Angel to call (German “Angel” = “fishing rod”) – how many lonely guys, morons or baiters (i.e. people who themselves try to bait spammers/scammers) do you have on your fishhook already? :)

My human, wise has the strong spirit just, he is good and noble and generous.” “Your human?” Gee, are you actually an android? Or a “pet” looking for a new “master”? Well, everyone has his/her fetish, but that’s getting a bit too far for me… you seem to be a real little masochist, anyway, if you “like to swim the beach” – I rather swim in the water, that’s not so laborious and probably less painful than in sand or rubble.

I live in Russia in a larg?, but the save city of Moscow.” Sorry to hear that – I think it might be quite uncomfortable to live in a “larg?”. But as long as it saves the city some money… some social housing scheme that needs improvement? Is Moscow not that great after all? For your health problem – “who I will the very high temperature of my heart and with it give, who I always together” – is there no cardiologist available in Moscow? Then I can really understand that you’d like to come to the west…

Well, me too “seeing in the future with the hope and the smiling will”, bye, my “(boy)friend from Russia Anghela!!”


(PS: If you, dear reader, happen to own the rights of these pictures the spammers used, just send me a little note and I’ll remove them.)

Show entire scam text (German) ▼

See also this German antispam forum here and there……

Continued: Anghela No. 3

Guess I should mention in every part of this series that this can only be from frauds who want to grift pretended travel costs.


  1. jL

    Also mit Babelfisch kann man den Mist nicht mehr erklären oder? Das sieht mir mehr nach zufällig rausgesuchten Wörtern aus dem Langenscheidt aus.

    Allerdings sehr amüsant. Fast so gut wie vogonische Poesie ;-)

  2. c

    Da hier – und in Teil 3, demnächst in diesem Theater (oder schon von anderen bei – auch je 1 englisches Wort stehengeblieben ist, denke ich, diese(r) Russe/Russin schreibt entweder ein mutmaßlich nicht gerade perfektes Englisch in Babelfish hinein, oder lässt das Russisch erst ins Englische übersetzen, denn direkt Russisch—Deutsch gibt’s da nicht.

    Und selbst Deutsch -> Englisch -> Deutsch ist da alles andere als perfekt

  3. AN

    Auch hier gilt das selbe lob ;=

    LG AveN

  4. c

    danke² :)

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