– The comedy’s fourth part… » Part 1, part 2, part 3 –
(Again, I’ll try to make this the mockery of a scam in bad German have some sense to you English readers…)
“Hello my favorite friend!!!” So, you forgot my (nick) name again, or you didn’t bother to insert it anywhere – you did that for others, are you too busy with all your other favorite friends? “In the world now so is many it deceit and fraud,” such as travel cost grifters like you, I know. “Since at me all’s also me good is…” but watch out, you’ll soon lose your purse!
“Don’t take it Amiss if I on all your questions not reply,” – but I do! – “since I over sometimes” – sometimes? – “not understand as you want me ask. I am happy to read your letter.” Even though I dropped you? To what extend can you call that “reading”?
“I to want know, what makes you happy?” Since you’re asking: I doubt you really care. “And I will me, that all strive, that I to make was bliss for you.” Hey, stop it, what strange ideas you gettin’ now?? I’m not your father! I’m just 7 years older than you: “Me already 28 years, and me, so over as me not to have, you to tell.” But good to know: “I am the noblesse you not for long.”
“I want to tell you that my heart started to be beaten more often.” Cardiac massage for resuscitation? Whoops, what happened? You already mentioned some heart problems in the 2nd mail. “My trust has shattered my heart.” Sure you understood your doctor correctly? Anyway, despite everything, I wish you get well soon.
Well then, “now, when I you the letter, to make so an effort, you to write as you imagine you can in this moment busy being,” until next time, since you probably won’t stop as long as you still have prepared mails left…
“For the love your friend Anghela!!!!”
(PS: If you, dear reader, happen to own the rights of these pictures the spammers used, just send me a little note and I’ll remove them.)
Show entire spam text (German) ▼
See also this German antispam forum here and there…
Intermediate continuation: Anghela 4.1
juliaL491 2007-10-26 at 14:04 912 Comments
Also ich würd der nicht mehr schreiben! Wenn die so wenig Einfühlungs- Sprachvermögen hat und nicht mal auf deine Fragen eingeht!
Naja, aber andererseits wünsche ich das schon, weil ich mich nämlich sehr, sehr köstlich amüsiere
cimddwc2 2007-10-26 at 14:17 6349 Comments
Im Zweifelsfall hab noch das Antispam-Forum als Quelle, wo schon 3 weitere Mails gepostet wurden – nur ohne Bilder, und es wär irgendwie nicht so “persönlich”