Now what was it?

Another typical 419 scam – with just enough oddities to justify my commenting it; I removed some boring parts lest you fall asleep… I underlined the most noteworthy parts.

Subject: LETTER! – Sender: Commercial Bank


>From the Desk of:
Mr. Victor Odili

I am a Manager of a bank,

Which one? Couldn’t make up your mind this time? Man, those spammers are becoming lazier all the time…

writing you in respect of a foreign customer whom made a US$25M depository for an investment program that has remained dormant for years now. On personal investigation, I discovered that the account holder died in Ukrainian aircraft crash, without making a WILL on depository. I have secured from the probate an ORDER OF MANDAMUS to locate any of deceased beneficiaries

All occupants of the car unfortunately lost their lives.

Now what – aircraft or car? :lol:

[…] I contacted you to seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you are a foreigner so that the proceeds of this account valued at US$25

You scumbag! You already grabbed $ 24,999,975 for yourself!

[…] If this proposal is acceptable by you, I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I would bestow in you. I await your urgent response.

Thanks with great regards.

Mr. Victor Odili

Oh, a fraudster hopes not to fall victim to a fraud? Ha ha ha. Well, it’s irrelevant anyway, since the morons who seriously reply to mails like this weill never see anything of the promised millions.

1 Comment

  1. S

    Wow, ein Brief von der Commercial Bank ??? Erstmal den Banknamen richtig abschreiben, ihr Spammer. :mrgreen:

    Flugzeug / Auto beides Fahrzeuge :D

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