Ain’t got no hope got no idea what to do or why i’m here… Welcome to the search requests of the first two weeks of May that led visitors here. (Search requests are highlighted in grey; I didn’t make them shorter or longer or up, I just translated the German ones.)
Better like 2 girls 1 cup! You know, 2 girls 1 cup, these girls like dynamite! — Well, firstly, it’s certainly not dynamite the girls are playing with, and secondly, no, I better won’t do anything like “2 Girls 1 Cup”. But this here is certainly better than “2 Girls 1 Cup”… (well, except for the coprohilic among the visitors, sorry, dear searchers, but maybe you take a look around anyway, e.g. via my “Best Of” ).
By the way, I know the secret of life but i ain’t gonna tell ya – at least not for free, see Cimddology.
Then show me in german! — That’s easy, you can switch languages in the top left corner…
Aint nothing but a cold beer in the sun, can you feel it coming down all over your body, can you feel it on your skin? open your eyes to touch the beautiful things in life. — Erm, what? I prefer to drink my beer and don’t pour it over my skin. Not even when the fetlock is inflamed.
Now to a incisively important question: where to wear thongs? — Well, how you like and where you like, but it will really look too strange, for instance, on the head or around the knees.
As you go through life you see there is so much that we dont understand… for example insufficient and unnecessary questions:
- what do the contestants say in the final – well, in which final?
- what have i done in english
- i’m looking for a phone ad music was in the charts girl walking down road
Alright, I know not everyone’s a native speaker and makes more mistakes just because of this, and typing errors can happen anytime – but anyway, this simply cannot be the only explanation for some search requests:
- bye appel phone
- the versal in paris
- womens whitout pantyes
- girl fuck men whis a big dido – now I don’t know how tall Dido is, but I doubt that (a) she’d agree and (b) that’s a good idea anyway…
- fuck i am working me hit fuck am am
- nakter popo cane
- i see you winining and crying up on the floor
- with the ah hey dont tell nobodies
- oh lord keep me in my write mind (or was that an author?)
- june 2007 calendar diaper – Diaper with calendar printed on it? Calendar with diaper photo? And why 2007? heaven only knows cause i don’t understand what the answer please what’s the master plan?
Well, god brought us this far — Huh? No I didn’t; i wanna be your god, i wanna be your devil too, but ask just once and god says no. — (This dude is crazy baby dont say nothing to him.)
Bye, and remember: crying enlightens!
juliaL491 2008-05-16 at 12:17 912 Comments
na wenn weinen erleuchtet, dann ist ja gut, denn ich habe tränen in den augen!
schön, dass du noch mal auf die unterschiedliche verwendung von “wie” und “als” hingewiesen hast (habe mich die tage auch (im Stillen) über Jemanden aufgeregt, der andauernd “als wie” gesagt hat…)
bei mir kamen gestern Besucher wichtigen Fragen wi “heißt das heute noch bäckereifachverkäuferin?” und “wie laut sind 49 ab vergleichbar mit?”
cimddwc2 2008-05-16 at 13:11 6333 Comments
(der meinte wohl “49 dB”?)
Anonymous3 2008-05-20 at 20:24 330 Comments
bitte sagts mir wo man dieses scheiß video anschauen kann!!!!! ahhhhhhhh
cimddwc4 2008-05-20 at 21:18 6333 Comments
Tut mir leid, aber selbst wenn ich wollte, ich weiß es selber nicht (und mir einen Wolf zu suchen, hab ich nun wirklich keine Lust), seit die Original-Website auf eine äußerst zweifelhafte Kreditkarten-“Altersverifikation” mit Abzockgefahr setzt…
Trackback: Ne(s)t(z)verschmutzung für Anfänger5 2008-05-31 at 2:56
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