If you are brave enter here! Welcome to the search queries of the last two weeks that led visitors here.
(As before, search queries have a grey background; I didn’t make them shorter or longer or even up. I just translated the German ones.)
Before you fairly start this story I should like to give you just a word of warning – okay, where’s the problem? A man is still a child and i have so many questions. Aha. Well, I can see the latter clearly in my stats… Alright, can we start? Come go with me there’s so much you can see, I’m gonna tell you a big bad story baby!
Whether prayers via AOL are heard? God if you can hear me right now please give me a sign that Brian loves me. I got my doubts. Also, simpler wishes seem strange, too: I want to write an email to Criss Angel. Nice. And you think that Google Mail comes up right away with the correct address? Do you think you could buy me a toy? please. No, you get no presents from me, I don’t even know you. achad!!! shtaim!!! shalosh!!! No, that don’t work on me.
Quickly a side-trip to the gross corner, so we can get over with it: I have to pass gas all day long – then you might want to hand out gas masks to those living with or visiting you. the viedeo 2 girls 1 cub see once buut find nix – now what’s more gross, the linguistic quality or the wish for that video? And why in hell are people searching for “www.2 girls 1 cup.com” exaktly like that, including spaces?
But it gets even uglier: Calculation of lotto numbers today – impossible! can lotto numbers be predicted? No! guaranteed lotto prediction spells? lotto witch who can make numbers come true? astrology lottonumbers? respectability of horoscopes? That’s all just superstition, false religion!
Now let’s move on to the erotic area. (photo © Mzelle Biscotte on flickr)
Baby take off your close. Pardon? Baby won’t you take off your clothes? Ah. Okay, but I’m not wearing panties. I never wear panties. Just like the display dummy on the left. Due to electricity in panties, you know?
Chastity belt for women and photos: erm, what would photos need chastity belts for, and how’d that work? Then better balcony photo nude: you surely can shoot these on a construction site nearby, you’ll surely see a balcony without handrail, decoration or whatever you could call “nude”. balcony masturbation or penis or sperm -fun -joke -pet -animal -dog -cat – Huh? Good thing you exclude the latter words with the “-“, but that’s quite strange a search query, you know that?
Its a strange world and we’re trying not to lose our way. Well… but some ways should be left – or not stepped on in the first place, I think. I wanna call you my boy i wanna call you my girl – Stop! Enough! Im feeling fine, nothing but sex is on my mind. Well, fine, I can understand that, but don’t overdo it, okay? One more: prinzzess nude pics – her blog is there, but I never came across such photos there…
Well, that’s it for today – alaaf and helau!
Sebastian1 2008-02-01 at 20:31 786 Comments
Ähhmm, warum gibt man eine Adresse so bei google ein ?
Ich könnte vielleicht eine Antwort geben :
Und zwar,man nimmt an man sitzt auf der Arbeit,den PC benutzen mehrere.
Wenn man das nun in den Browser eingibt,dann können diese Adresse,da sie meistens gespeichert wird alle sehen.
Man will auch nicht den verlauf löschen,denn das könnte auf Dauer auch den Kollegen auffallen,also macht man es über google und fast keiner merkt was.
Natürlich kann man es über den ausführlichen Verlauf sehen,aber nicht direkt im Browser wenn er Adressen selber vervollständigt, das könnte schnell Peinlich werden.
cimddwc2 2008-02-01 at 20:39 6335 Comments
Hm, ja, das klingt an sich plausibel – aber die Leerzeichen mittendrin?
Vielleicht war das einer, der gesagt bekommen hat, “gib einfach den Titel mit www. davor und .com dahinter ein”, aber keine Ahnung davon hat, dass Domain-Namen keine Leerzeichen enthalten?
juliaL493 2008-02-02 at 16:12 912 Comments
Wieder mal ganz herrliche Begriffe
Zur URL: Sebastian, deine Theorie passt für die Art von URLs, aber bei mir landen auch Leute, die http://www.julia.de in die Suchmaske eingeben und das dürfte nun nichts sein, was man vor den Kollegen im Büro verstecken möchte!
(und Andreas, du wirst jetzt auch bedacht, da das im Kommentar steht, harharhar)