Before we start with the photos, two web finds from my Montreux trip:
Dear customer, [male and female]
Thank you!
Your team of
All information without guarantee
Note to self: There’s no use bookmarking the train schedule information that can be reached from the travel information/booking site because they produce this informative error message (with page title “error”) later on. Sep 2008
Please make your choice:
24h unlimited access to entertainment and internet: 0 CHF
24h internet access: 0 CHF
1h internet access: 0 CHF
A hard choice for picking the internet access options in a Swiss hotel (with intenet included in the room price)… should anyone really prefer the third and default option?
Sep 2008
By the way, the hotel – the Eden Palace – also offered dozens of movies and music albums for free, accessible via the TV that was extensively equipped for such hotel use (and even greeted me by name when I first entered my room) – however, it was a relatively small CRT model, no flat screen.