Sprich Deutsch with me!

Ausschau haltend Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesHey, Get Up and Go, and You Never Know!

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

sprich deutsch with me
No, I speak English mit dir!

English German funny
Not always.

Someone who isn’t able to use tha space bar because his hand is busy with its favorite occupation – which seems to have negative influence on one’s language capabilities. (Damn!)

how fuck mother-in-law
I think that’s quite similar to other women.

that good porn
That bad English.

they say skys da limit but im tryna leev da planet....
they say sky’s da limit but im trynna lee da planet....
If you can’t decide how to write your search request, I won’t decide what I reply on it.

You’ve fooled them, haven’t you Michael? But not me.
There’s no Michael here (except sometimes for commenting) – better tell him directly over at GreenSmilies.com.

if i see Jesus im gonna whip hios ass
Since the name Jesus is not that rare in some areas, you might be quite busy then…

God’s true nature darkness hate, greed, lust, and other goodies! aha! the mask comes off!!
The great insight you got at Christmas, eh?

fengshui for whom who dosnt have a baby boy
Feng shui is, regardless of whether you have a child or want one, bullshit.

Spiritual power of star cluster M13
That’s easy to calculate: You take the catalog number – in this case 13 – as exponent and the basic spiritual power of the cosmos as base. The result is: 013 = 0.

Astrology & Global Scaling
…are both no real science.

parapsychology only humbug
You got it! Yeah!

moon 2008 looks
…like it did in 2007. And 2006. And will in 2009. And…

is sittn back watchn .....waitn ...... my time will come ..... and when it does its done .....game ova bitch
:bye: Fine, game over, that’s it for this post-holiday edition… erm, who’s interrupting?

not without panties
Alright, you’re right, no search request post without panties:

no panties learn
It’s quite simple: Just don’t put on any panties – not much to learn about that.

At last: Bye, and remember: I Am Your Friend and My Love For You Goes Deep :kussw:

Photo: Coka – Fotolia.com


  1. AvW

    Das a very nice Seite. Ich spreak Englisch and German. What für ein Shit aber nur. ^^

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