Only on Wednesdays

Always Wednesday

Translation: Your voucher code: … This voucher is until Wednesday: …

Thanks for the high number of vouchers recently, CDWOW – on top of your prices being quite good already. However, you should work on your mail templates, because (1) there’s a verb missing and (2) none of these days are Wednesdays…

(CDWOW mails Dec/Jan 08/09)

But there actually is some variety:

Only 8 hours! From 1pm to 7pm!

Translation: For only 8 hours 2€ discount on everything at CDWOW – only from 13-19h (1pm–7pm), click here

Now I don’t mind your time-limited discount campaigns at all, dear CDWOW, but you should be a little more careful when creating and advertising them. How long does this campaign actually last?

(CDWOW mail Dec.2008)


  1. E

    Ich finde grundsätzlich beschränkte Aktionen voll bescheuert, weil ich nicht zu deren Zeiten da sein kann. Meist jedenfalls nicht.

    • c

      Ja, die sollten da etwas variieren oder gleich 24h laufen lassen – andererseits dürften nur die wenigsten wirklich so oft bestellen wollen, wie CDWOW Aktionen bringt (oder zumindest in den letzten paar Monaten brachte).

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