Projekt 52/15: Contrasts

This week’s Projekt 52 topic is “contrasts”, and I’m combining it with a convenience food report:

15: Contrasts

Topic 15: Contrasts

A “Kaiserschmarrn” from “Schwaben Speisen” in Fellbach which I recently noticed as a new offer on the supermarket’s chilled shelf1, and I thought I could give it a try. “With fruit compote and vanilla sauce” – there also was another version I didn’t remember –, to be heated in a microwave or pan; I chose the former, since it’s about convenience in such convenience foods (and the sauce can’t even be heated in the same pan as the pancake).

And this one try will be the only one. It’s to be expected, of course, that convenience food never looks as good in reality as it does on the cover, and so this contrast here – bottom left: sealed and cold (and photographed without flash and under different light conditions); center: hot, without foil; right: packaging – is no miracle. I just never came across such a thick dough, cut almost in cubic shapes, being called Kaiserschmarrn, though… but what about the most important part: the taste?

Well, while the (culinarily certainly not top-notch) Kaiserschmarrn that my local butcher’s snack bar offers every few weeks (I presented it last year) literally does deserve my rating “enjoyable”, I can call this Fellbach ready-to-serve Kaiserschmarrn at most “only just edible”, and I certainly won’t buy it again.

Rating: 1 star

  1. quite possible that the entire company is new, given that their web domain they printed on the package still shows the hoster’s default “new internet presence” []


  1. P

    Und ich wähnte mich schon in Johann Lafers Koch-Blog!

    • c

      Ach, der bloggt auch? Na, mit diesem “tollen” Kaiserschmarrn hat er bestimmt nix zu tun…

  2. jL

    Hehe, schöne Idee und dafür dass du dich geopfert hast, ist immerhin noch ein Foto fürs Projekt rausgesprungen :)

    • c

      Ich schieb dann am besten auch die Schuld am schlechten Billard-Spiel gestern abend auf den Schmarrn. :mrgreen:

  3. D

    Guck dir mal diese Seite an:
    Das Projekt 1 zeigt ganz viele solcher vergleiche. Ich finde sowas irgendwie immer interessant.

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