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Ruler of Discworld

Well, pro forma, the patricians – such as Fellmonsterchen – may be ruling Discworld, but the true power is, of course, in the hand of the Watchmen. So what does it tell us that I’m a Discworld Watchman according to this German personality test?1

Scheibenwelt-Test: Wache

And since lists the results so far next, I quickly made a clear pie chart – as you can easily see, us Watchmen hold the majority (ha!) ahead of Seamstresses and Undead:

Scheibenwelt-Test: Prozent
cowards, wizards, seamstresses, patricians, witches, assasins, dwarfs, trolls, watchmen, undead, librarians

  1. I’m leaving it to the readers to find the answer. []

Happy Holidays!

Inspired by the Friendly Atheist and his opinion on that sign that caused a bit of controversy, here’s my little holiday poem for you:


There is no god
(thus also no son of his),
neither heaven nor hell –
is hell something you’re going to miss?
So let your mind be unfurled,
there is only our natural world.
Reason’s greatings to all :)



If you’re wondering about the seemingly contratictory nativity scene in the header image: It’s just “seasonal decoration” – comparable to those at Easter where most people who use bunnies for decoration don’t believe in the Easter bunny…