- An insider report from CERN, understandable for everyone, about what the LHC is made for: video of a presentation by Brian Cox (ca. 14 minutes; via Mathlog).
- Probably the most insane stuff conspiracy theory crackpots can fabricate – English video about the LHC as stargate to hell at Astrodicticum Simplex.
- German: Homöopathie, Placebos und Quantenunsinn.
- German Tribute to Metallica – free cover versions by German bands (via Gedankendeponie).
- And a single-handed guitar solo by Marc Playle (via StoiBär):
Links of the Week (2008/30)
- German interview with Prof. Edzard Ernst: “Homöopathica are placebos”
- German: EsoBlog about a combination of mystic wishing, feng shui and homeopathy.
- Funny videos: Animator vs. Animation I and II (via aptgetupdate)
- And another video: A conference of fonts (by CollegeHumor; via Nerdcore)
Wirkungsloses und Placebos en masse?
Sorry, but this post is not available in English
Links of the Week (2008/24)
- Crazy stuff during the football Euro 2008 (German): Some use homeopathy and tarot cards
- Sapere aude (German) proves the statement “You owe me 100 Euro” the way some folks want to prove the existence of god.
- The Surrealist Compliment Generator (via Nerdcore) – e.g. „Fast blinking reveals the true visage of time pieces hidden within your eyes“ or „Your tears evoke a taste as memorable as honey.“
Links of the Week (2008/23)
- Superstition homeopathy – an extensive analysis of the basic assumptions of homeopathy (German).
- A particularly stupid creationist argument that god exists (English, with video):
To summarize: God ordered the soldiers of the Hebrews to march around Jericho 6 times on 6 days, which means they would have traversed 6 * 360°, or 2160 degrees. The moon has a diameter of 2,160 miles. Therefore, God exists.
- Put a Little Science in Your Life – an article by the famous physicist Brian Greene (via Pharyngula)