I almost forgot that I wanted to participate in this (German) blog parade from 49 Suns – well, it’s a suitable day, though one sun would be enough now…
So these silver discs exist for 25 years now, their size allegedly caused by the duration of Beethoven’s Ninth… among my first CDs in spring 1989 were some House/
But also Queen used to be on my CD shelf back then, and I was glad that CDs show no wear like vinyl (by the way, I didn’t even have a record player then) or especially tapes, because the “I Want It All” maxi CD was playing veeeery often. And though I can’t pick a single one as my favorite CD, my extensive Queen CD collection – maxi, album, live, bootlegs, promo, cover; group and solo – is certainly the most dearest in my CD cabinet. It includes some gems that are among the rarest CDs of Queen & solo: maxi CDs from The Cross (Queen drummer Roger Taylor’s solo project), some of which I got for just 1-2 DM in a second-hand store, one of which, however, I later spent over 100 DM Euro for…
And today? Thanks to Rockantenne, I don’t even have much time to listen to CDs at all.
(General note, by the way: it’s CDs, not CD’s!)
Update: JuliaL49 has evaluated the posts of the 19 participants and also listed all the mentioned CDs.
juliaL491 2007-09-06 at 17:48 912 Comments
Danke fürs Mitmachen
Und doppelt Danke, dass ich dadurch deinen Blog gefunden habe
Die Kategorie “seltenste” gab es noch nicht – sehr gut. Und über 100DM ist zwar ordentlich, aber noch vertretbar, finde ich.
cimddwc2 2007-09-06 at 17:55 6316 Comments
Ich muss mich korrigieren, das mit den 100 war schon im Euro-Zeitalter…
juliaL493 2007-09-12 at 15:59 912 Comments
Diese teure CD, war das die Life Changes? (bin grad bei der Auswertung)
cimddwc4 2007-09-12 at 16:29 6316 Comments
Nein, Life Changes war diejenige, die ich damals noch am billigsten bekommen hatte: für 1 DM – die teure war Final Destination; zusammen mit Liar sind diese m.W. die drei wertvollsten CD-Singles von The Cross.
Pingback: Culture Beat, meine erste CD, Auswertung | tolle News und vieles mehr | Lokale Zeitung5 2007-09-15 at 11:46
Pingback: Connys Weblog » Auswertung CD-Erinnerungen6 2007-09-15 at 23:08
Pingback: tonnendreher » Blog Archive » Blog-Parade CD Erinnerungen7 2007-10-08 at 14:53
Pingback: Culture Beat, meine erste CD, Auswertung8 2008-01-18 at 16:54
Pingback: Multimediale Kuriositäten (Blogparade) :: cimddwc9 2010-05-17 at 10:31