I’m Wesley Denisof-Gere

The celebrity lookalike search at MyHeritage.com is making its rounds again – e.g. here at Nadine‘s –, and since I didn’t publish anything about that before, I’ll do that now, and with a quite current photo:

celebrity lookalike

So I – on this photo – am supposed to look at 74% like Wesley Snipes, at 71% Alexis Denisof (I’d like to get to know his Aly, too^^), at 70% Richard Gere, and with lower percentages like a few others (including only one woman). I’m actually quite satisfied with that, it could have been much worse. :mrgreen:

On an older photo (with larger glasses), by the way, it was mostly Elton John and Yitzhak Rabin.

Interesting that Mr Denisof’s character’s first name on Angel was Wesley… certainly the Powers That Be must be behind that. :P

Also interesting to whom Pope Gregory XIII, who is (currently…) to be seen on my avatar/title image, is said to be looking alike: Angelina Jolie, Liz Taylor, Gary Cooper, Liza Minelli and others:

celebrity lookalike Gregory XIII


  1. N

    Stimmt, du hast echt Ähnlichkeit mit Richard Gere. Ist ja lustig.
    Und wie hart muss es für Angelina Jolie sein so auszusehn wien Papst :mrgreen:

  2. c

    Merk ich auch erst auf diesen Fotos. 8O

    Früher, als sie noch, naja, frecher war, hätte sich Angelina vielleicht das Papst-Portrait tätowieren lassen…

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