Cuddle song hampers percentages – or something like that…

Not that I wouldn’t like my low-price cellphone provider (=“blue”), on the contrary – but if you combine and build upon what’s in their latest newsletter I received today, this post’s title may be the result: ;)

Main news item is the price reduction from 9.9 to 9 cents per voice minute and SMS, presented by their two blue sock hand puppets (my translation): “From April 1 on, I pay only 9 cents per minute and SMS in the general tariff.” – “Great, then you save even more, a full 10 percent!

Well, they got it wrong: You save 0.9 cents, that’s 0.9 / 9.9 = 1 / 11 = 0.090909… ≈ 9.1 %. So rather nearly 10 %. :klugscheisser:

Items 2 and 3 in the newsletter are the accessories tip of a UMTS PC card and the WAP tip “Google to go” – and then the ringsound download tip for this unspeakable, unbearable, unfeasible, un–whatever Schnuffel Kuschel-Song (“cuddle song”), number 1 for weeks in the official German single charts. “Get the spring hit on your cellphone”. Aaaaargh!

Quote (translated) from Schnuffel: Germany in cuddling fever (, German) (via 49 Suns)

“Number one for a virtual cuddly toy singing about a carrot. Of course, it can’t get more moronic, but we also thought that about the Crazy Frog. […] The song itself (music & text: Jamba) is a cheap large-hall disco stomper with a text you usually find on fall-asleep CDs babies. But that’s okay, since Jamba is a company that makes money out of bullshit. And it’s legitimate because people buy that bullshit. And Jamba doesn’t claim it were art, let alone music.”

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