The stars on my sofa

Stars from Phase 5 A set of stars and a crescent moon, made out of this plastic that glows greenish in the dark – “a great non-cash prize of low value with poor usefullness factor” (my translation), won at Phase 5’s rebus (German)!

Arrived yesterday, thanks, Herschel – If I got a use for it? Of course, we’ll see… :mrgreen:

Optimist that I am, I regard this prize as the start of a series of prizes, e.g. at the blogger raffles I participated recentl… h wie ich bin, diesen Gewinn als Auftakt zu einer Serie von Gewinnen z.B. bei den Blogger-Preisausschreiben, an denen ich ja kürzlich teilgenommen hatte… Goddess of luck, you got that??

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