The search word poem

:hammer: Appropriately(?) for the 555th post on this blog, here’s a “poem” consisting of the words that were most frequently used in search requests leading people here in the past 16 days, sorted strictly in descending order by their frequency of occurence – I only added line breaks and punctuation marks:

You I to the—
And me
My, your a see!
In it for love
Want song, so
About baby, know
That what lotto be do

Make all can on
I’m is no come
Don’t hello ohne heart
Just like but got
If up never been
Dont take without one time
Say with i’ve Höschen

When we tell im long
Get have—
Will now give this
Girls break,
Are searching truth.
Most way go quotes
Difference gonna, honey,
Falling more

Youtube common
Tags genibus its feel…
Down roof,
Cup out nitito.
Wanna let
Good life!

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