Testing, Testing…

I’m combining a few “personality tests” in this post:

First, the test for the “Wall-E” movie – probably I’m one of the last German bloggers to take it… sorry, it’s German only:

Wall-E-Test: Du bist EVE. Du bist neugierig, stets darauf aus, Neues zu entdecken. Du bist pflichtbewusst, aber kritisch und kannst dich durchsetzen. Für Freunde gehst du durchs Feuer und hast vor fast nichts Angst.

What Gender Is Your Brain? (this one’s in Englisch; via Tshalina.)1

Your Brain is 27% Female, 73% Male
You have a total boy brain.
Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts.
And while your emotions do sway you sometimes…
You never like to get feelings too involved.

And also via Tshalina these tests from Fit for fun (German; I didn’t translate the full result texts):

Liebesbarometer: Wie gut sind Sie im Bett? = Love barometer: How good are you in bed?

27 % The experts
73 % The epicures

Der Erotik-Test: Welcher Sex-Typ bin ich? = The erotics test: Which sex type am I?

40 % The pasha
30 % The forward
20 % The dreamer
10 % The gentleman

How accurate these results are, well, let’s leave aside that question…

And you? :mrgreen:

  1. I’ve taken the liberty to write the text directly, without the table and the brain drawing that’s the same for all results. []

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