I combined this quote with a quiz about its origin last Saturday:
“For certain there never were witches and warlocks in this world, but it’s just as undeniable that throughout history people believed in cheaters who had the talent of acting as sorcerers.”
(my translation)
6 people participarted, 11th, 18th and 21st century were each picked by 2. Correct is: 18th century. Last weekend’s Donaukurier, where I found it, attributed it to Franz Grillparzer (1791-1872), but German WikiQuote shows as confirmed source Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Italian adventurer and author. Guess a DK editor might have messed up copy&paste in this quote collection…
Photo: sgursozlu/sxc
LaRocca1 2008-12-20 at 18:52 17 Comments
Ich hab richtig getippt, jippieh