“I had to bend down”

Ausschau haltend Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesDo you want it? Do you need it? Can you feel it?

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

“i had to bend down”
Yeah, I (1.90m = 6ft 3in) got to bend down here and there too – e.g. under low awnings or trees or of course at the edges of my roof-top apartment.

cimddwc blog
You found it – and yes, this is a blog!

self-igniting fire
For what? Fire is already burning, no need to ignite it again.

free seite . free monster tits
Did you mean: Freie page . freie Monstermeisen?

Tou Gurl 1 cup
Did you mean: 2 girls uon kop?

Heart Ponno New
:hearts: You can get hearts here, but you won’t find ponno (whatever that may be) nor hard porn. Neither old nor new.

shaving a man’s pubes ,in which studio?
Why not do it yourself?

does buffie the body let girls touch her ass in the club
Which club? Which Buffie? The Buffy I know from TV can’t be meant here…

Granny where’s your panties
There are questions to which I don’t want to know an answer. This is one of them.

the final countdown that’s your answer i’m kaiser
And there are qestions or statements that you don’t understand in the first place.

looto numers
Begg yor padon?

please i need 6 no fur germany lotto number
I see. Now what’s so hard about just picking 6 numbers from 1 to 49? But alright, since you said “please”: 1 2 3 47 48 49.

how to find my horoscope

  • The expensive method: buy it from an astrologer.
  • The cheap method: search for it on the net.
  • The really cheap method: dig through waste paper and stitch newspaper horoscope clippings together.
  • The funny method: here.
  • The sensible method: ignore them.

The end result will yield similarly sensible statements.

divining rod in homeopathy
Only a divining rod can find active agents in those little sugar balls…

the first new moon of 2009 and ancient knowledge
The ancient people certainly didn’t care about the moon this year.

predictions 2009 numerology
My prediction: In 2009, too, numerology will be as nonsensical as in 2008. Or in 2007. Or…

Now let’s briefly turn to the topic “What do domain names not look like”:
www.rtl/prophecy lotto numbe.de
www.maria esmeralda fortuneteller.com
www.hoerzu interview Dieter Broers.de
www.new yearssayings
www.over 40 sex .de
www.secret fuck mother-in-law.de
www.Pfaffenhofen an d. ILM.de

:bye: That’s it for this time, bye – and remember to put into your last will: when i die don’t marry me but hang my balls from a cherry tree.

Photo: Coka – Fotolia.com


  1. SR

    Jedes Mal wieder großartig!!! :mrgreen:

  2. c

    :danke: – auch an die Suchenden :mrgreen:

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