Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queries… I HAVE BEEN COUNTING THE DAYS GO BY…
For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.
footprints from other planets other planets
PLanets have no feet, so other planets cannot leave footprints on other planets at all.
armadillo news march 2009
Oh, there are special news?
fuk my mothar in russian
And that was searched on Italian Google. I doubt he was very successful…
The rest of the erotic topics are handled in breif today. So let’s go, girls: make men in thongs on beach horny? Best way is always just naked. Because who wears no panties? Of course the dominatrix in the rain cape – Panties she wasn’t wearing, because she had lost her panties. girl you’re the baddest thing i’ve seen! I guess anyone can sayvor fucking then? But better not net kittz on porn. – who knows what kind of pervert stuff that is. Well, ladies, make him wear a thong, then he can join the men in thongs registered club!
I’m a believing Christian
So what? As long as you don’t go around insulting others like “Hans-Kilian” does (German), I don’t care much. I just don’t have such imaginary heavenly friends myself.
what keeps me from spiritual healing ?
Probably your mind that recognized it as nonsense – and the lack of ruthlessness to not make you fool other people anyway.
how to heal telepathy
Best method to heal telepathy is probably critical thinking, so just use your brain!
talks to aliens telepathically constellation draw
No type of constellations will help you with something that’s impossible.
fortunetelling for free in Pfaffenhofen an der ilm or nearby
I know nobody who does it for free, but all are in vain.
nostradamus 2009 prophecies
It’s “funny” that such prophecy interpretations are always correct when they are about the past. So just wait until 2010, then you will be able to buy books that contain allegedly correct prophecies for 2009.
nostradamus says italy world cup winner 2010
You’ll have to wait until 12 July 2010 (the day after the final), then you might find some Nostradamus interpreters and other “fortunetellers” who claim to have predicted it – though it’s not hard to guess one of the favorites, the chances are always good there…
do atheists believe in the zodiac signs
That would be very inconsequent – rather the opposite is true: Who believes in god believes in anything.
the next lotto lucky numbers by magical power opinion from —
can you from dreams find lotto luck numbers
Nobody predict can lotto numbers, and not just an opinion that ist.
Just use a stopwatch while you watch the drawing, where’s the problem?
Works in South Africa as little as it does in the rest of the world. Only the methods they use to try it – the shamans for instance – may be different.
Isn’t it getting boring with the non-domain searches?
www.The next Urigella .de
www.uri geller decision 2009.de
www.Vincent Raven Radio Interview.ch
www.lucky numbers for 2009 in lotto by horoscope.de
www.i like fuck my sister.porno.com
fuck.de ou pormo.de
www. inden baby grils phose.com
www,get to know me de
www.i got my period and want to fuck.com
Alright, that’s it for this week, BAD LUCK STORY FREE YOUR MIND LETS GO TO BED!
Photo: Coka – Fotolia.com
Elke1 2009-03-14 at 18:23 43 Comments
Was ich immer schon fragen wollte: Wie greifst Du auf die List der Suchanfragen zu? Ist dafür ein Extra-Plugin notwendig?
cimddwc 2009-03-14 at 18:54 6365 Comments
Da gibt’s verschiedene Möglichkeiten – WP.com-Stats etwa liefert (gekürzte) Suchbegriff-Listen, diverse andere Statistik-Plugins auch; man kann die Logfiles des Servers analysieren, was ich früher für die Suchanfragen gemacht habe; aber aktuell schau ich nur täglich in die Liste, die mir das Plugin der Glühweinjunkies liefert (die Kurzversion dieser Liste kannst du hier auch selber anschauen, siehe das Untermenü bei “Über” oben in der Navigation), und notiere mir die interessanten Begriffe.
Elke2 2009-03-14 at 19:57 43 Comments
Danke für die schnelle Beantwortung der Frage. Ich seh mir das mal an. Hab noch ein schönes Wochenende!