Full of Culture

Yes, new topic at Pabuca

Let’s start with the Volksfest (so it’s a photo from the archive) – or rather its end, because that’s what it looked like when almost everything was dismantled:


But there are current activities, too, of course, e.g. a strangely pronounced “Lokalklang” (local sound) – I’d rather pronounce it [lo’ka:lklaŋ]:

Lokalklang IMG_0662

And as the German culture of bureaucracy demands, it’s properly approved (red sticker)…

Finally two colorful stilt walkers who walked around the market last Saturday:

Stelzenläufer auf Markt

1 Comment

  1. RCa

    Das erste zeigt, dass Kultur mehr ist als Darstellung und Zusammenleben. Arbeit! Guter Aspekt!

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