Ein Tag in Bildern
Genau, wieder ein Picture my Day Day #pmdd2021…
Da hinten ist noch Raureif…
Lego darf nicht fehlen…
Ich wollte doch nur spazieren/wandern und nicht auf Bäume steigen!
Hier war neulich noch Schnee und Eis:
A “little” Lego spaceship of mine which mainly consists of the letters SPACE:
The back side is mostly open so you can look inside:
And since Flickr currently has problems, I uploaded the whole bunch of pictures here (clicking for full view and browsing works here, too) – starting with more exterior views:
Front and rear:
Exterior details – air conditioning, water recycling, an alien, headlight repair, geological expedition, fin:
Interior view – bridge (top left ro bottom right: communication, captain, navigation; science station; tactical and security); lift; lab, probe and torpedo launcher:
Cafeteria and holodeck (with defect), crew quarters (with bathroom), officers quarters and loading bay, reactor control and engineering; shuttle hangar and rover garage:
Schematics and construction details:
Update: » Flickr