- Video (this time just as link): An amazing christmas light show to a Slayer song (via @JoergR)
The Winged Sun
Light rings as proposal of marriage?
An attacking (and, for once, glowing) Shadow space ship?
A sun angel as guide into the 729th dimension?
An angel disguising as space ship?
A space ship hiding behind light rings?
Gravitational lensing from a black hole just generated by the LHC?
Another crack in the skin of the universe?
A revelation from the Akashic records about the trace of the true name of the Sun as danced eurythmically by the sun inhabitants, which shows the holistically optimal movements of shaking homeopathic remedies?
Or an effect caused by my circular window blind? No way, that’d be much too banal!
Links and Videos of the Week (2010/43+44)
- Nice animal photos: Great Migrations
Science jokes mostly from particle physics – example
A Higgs-Boson walks into a church, the priest says “We don’t allow Higgs-Bosons in here.” The Higgs-Boson says “But without me how can you have mass?”
- A great unicycle artist (via ui.)
- Timelapse with beautiful skies (via Bad Astronomy)
Und jetzt?
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