Appropriately for the bunny celebrations – since the bunny and its eggs are obviously adored by many people, you see more bunny and eggs decorations than crossy portrayals of violence – Pabuca’s topic is “religion”.
Religious indoctrination from a young age – popular with church leaders since it would be bad for the number of their sheep if children were not taught absurdities as self-evident and true, but would learn to really think for themselves…

And if a different variation of absurdities “spreads” – that is if one mosque (this one here currently under construction) “squeezes” itself “along” with the many christian churches to the edge of town –, that of course means the downfall of the occident to some…

(purely black-and-white version)
At any rate, churches around here are usually older than mosques – centuries may pass before some inscriptions are made, and that’s already centuries in the past:

(this church in German Wikipedia)