This post is about a quiz from “the labyrinth of German language” on and thus not available in English.
Singendes Stöckchen
Sorry, but this post is not available in English
Personal File Extensions
The personality test for computer
freaksfans: “Which File Extension Are You?”. I’m pretty versatile:
(via pwnzone)
20 Questions
No, not this nice little “artificial intelligence” game, but a bunch of irrelevant(?) questions that have been making their way around German blogs (I assume similar stuff exists in English, too) – here my translation:
- Take the nearest book, open page 18 and quote line 4.
“…to do with modern physics: the mystery that the great British physicist Sir…” - Reach out with your left arm as far as possible. What do you hold in your hand?
to front: the frames of two TFT monitors; to left: nothing - What was the last thing you’ve seen on TV?
Jay Leno
Your Opinion is Important!
No, I’m not referring to the oh so important polls in this blog,
but to a bulk mail I got today, “The big EU states mineral oil survey” – as if they were really interested in the people’s opinion. Addresses with date of birdth and especially “Kaffeefahrten” as trip prize, that is what counts for these dubious crooks, and they are doing that with letterbox companies (this time Gewinnzentrale, Postfach 1129, 49430 Neuenkirchen) for quite some time, unfortunately…
(Update:) The AK Tirol had also warned and has been confirmed.
Unfortunately, also this time there will be enough unsuspecting naïves participating to be financially worthwhile for the organizers…
31 Dec 07: Now they’re trying that with an “energy survey”…