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In the past

In the past, people used to actually draw hearts and smilies (as a result of an equation adding initials which are left of this image) – nowadays, they limit themselves to what can be typed:

im Schnee: = <3 xD :D

For what?

Small ad fom the current Bayrisches Taferl (local ad newspaper):

Ein moralisches Angebot: 52-jähr. interessanter Single sucht deutsche, flotte, blonde, schlanke, tierliebe Haushaltsbiene bis max. 42 Jahre, für 3 x wöchentlich, gute Bezahlung, aus dem Landkreis PAF, Kinder kein Problem, späteres Zusammenleben nicht ausgeschlossen, Foto erwünscht. Zuschriften bitte unter Chiffré-Nr. ... a.d.Verlag.

Decent proposal
52-year-old interesting single looking for German, attractive, blonde, slim, animal-loving household bee up to 42 years, for 3 x per week, good payment, from PAF county, children no problem, living together in the future not excluded, photo desired. Reply quoting box no. …

For what does he want her? 3x? Household help, but with these specific properties and living together? Hmm…