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Delayed Tradition

A little late due to my little holiday, here are my photos for the Pabuca topic “Tradition”, and they are all about Pfaffenhofen’s Volksfest…

Tradition is that during Volksfest times, public and a few (more or less) private buildings are decorated. Like this one, the former mayor’s print shop. Some of the flags apparently have seen quite some tradition…

Volksfest 2014 IMG_0730

Tradition is also this greeting (used like “good day” in southern Germany and Austria, roughly translates to “God bless you”) – not just on the Volksfest. The effects of including imaginary sky friends into greetings are most likely just as small as the actions of these sky friends themselves.

Volksfest 2014 IMG_5279

Some rides like bumper cars also have lots of tradition – just like roof decorations that aren’t necessary for functionality.

Volksfest 2014 IMG_5283


Summertime at Pabuca’s…

Summer – time for outdoor swimming. You got such pools in many towns, but which has such a picturesque clock tower above the main entrance?


Summer – time for the (nearly) annual night flea market, even if that’s mostly taking place during broad daylight (but Munich’s Oktoberfest is mostly in September, too, celebrating just into October):

Nachtflohmarkt IMG_5254

Speaking of the Oktoberfest: Summer – time for building the beer hall. Our Volksfest, by the way, takes place in early/mid September:


I woaß net ois, aber…

This post is about a German quiz about the Oktoberfest – not much point in translating it, I think…

…diese Auswertung des Spiegel-Online-Quizzes Oans, zwoa, g’suffa: Woast ois über d’Wiesn?

Sie haben 8 von 10 Punkten.

Vom Oktoberfest haben Sie schon mal gehört – und sei es im “Tatort”. Sie wissen, was Oachkatzlschwoaf heißt und wie man die Weißwürste richtig zuzlt. Doch waren Sie schon mal dort? Dann können Sie ihr bruchstückhaftes Wissen aufpolieren, ein paar Mass genießen und die Bayern hautnah kennen lernen

…ist irgendwie unpassend, wenn es ausgerechnet die Fragen zum “Tatort” und zu einem Film waren, die ich nicht beantworten konnte (und auch nicht richtig erraten habe, denn wirklich gewusst hab ich manche der anderen 8 auch nicht)…


Und wieviel habt ihr richtig, liebe Leser?