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Quote of the Day


“We must check what the state can do to protect the freedom of its citizens also in the future.”
(CDU secretary general Ronald Pofalla according to the ZDF to the “Bild” about minister of the interior Schäuble’s new anti-terror plans; my translation)

Yes, he wanted to support Schäuble with this statement – wouldn’t it be better, then, to find another minister of the interior who is appearing less, well, paranoid (if you want to agree to the Linkspartei (“left party”) at least here, they don’t say much useful stuff anyway) and freedom-hostile?

Thus the actual Quote of the day:

“I used to assume it’s the minister of the interior’s job to protect the constitutional state. Now you could come to the conclusion that the constitutional state would have to be protected from the miníster of the interior.”
(Sebastian Edathy (SPD), leader of the Bundestag’s interior committee; my translation)