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Quote of the Day (7)

The taz quotes our dear minister of the interior, Wolfgang Schäuble, in front of journalists and judges in Karlsruhe (which is the location of the German Constitutional Court):

“Wir hatten den ‚größten Feldherrn aller Zeiten‘, den GröFaZ, und jetzt kommt die größte Verfassungsbeschwerde aller Zeiten.”

(My translation: “We had the ‘greatest commander of all times’, the GröFaZ, and now we get the greatest constitutional complaint of all times.”)

Assuming the quote is correct, we see again how much the constitution and its institutions mean to him…

For other (always) inappropriate Hitler comparisons and quotes, others have been made to leave talkshows and their offices. Wouldn’t be bad here, too, in my opinion.

(via StoiBär (German))

Fateful day…

Even though the following is just copied from Wikipedia I wanted to mention it, just like other bloggers (and probably many news sites)… isn’t of no importance, y’see:

Schicksalstag (literally day of fate) is a label often used for 9 November due to the special importance of this day in German history. The term was occasionally used by historians and journalists since shortly after World War II, but its current widespread use started with the events of 1989 when virtually all German media picked up the term.

There are 5 major events in German history that are connected to Schicksalstag:

The establishment of the SS in 1925 is sometimes mentioned as having taken place on the Schicksalstag as well.

And in the German Wikipedia, someone already added an item about this year: Telecommunications data retention. (At least temporarily.)

PS.: Want to join the class-action suit against data retention?

Stop data retention - www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de

Basic Rights and Freedom of the Press

Title of today’s Donaukurier (Ingolstadt) and its local editions:

black title of PK

Translation: We object to the restrictions of basic rights and freedom of the press!


And here’s the main article (German): “Massiver Eingriff in die Grundrechte der Bürger” (massive inteference in the citizens’ basic rights). Quote (in my translation):

“Today the democracy, thanks to govenrmental reglementation fury, sits at the edge of dissolution. Society, media and journalists, too, are watching magnetized and often also inertially what the gravediggers of basic rights and freedom in Munich, Berlin and also Brussels are devising.”

Quote of the Day (5)


“We argued enough, we should make it now.”
Interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble about an online search law (source: Handelsblatt/ap; my translation)

What?!? An argument, lots of controversy, no consent – so push it through quickly? What the hell came over him now? [BTW: Is the devil blogging now, too? :) ]

Hey, basically, I don’t mind if the computers of acute suspects are being searched – within the same scope, of course, that applies to wiretapping phones and similar actions now, i.e. on a case-by-case basis and verified and ordered by courts. Or else – in the extreme case – we’ll even have to look for a new anthem, because there may be not much left of “unity and justice and freedom,” which didn’t appear from nowhere, by the way.


Did you notice the guy “watching” in the orange triangle in the top right corner? That’s the German minister of the interior, Mr Schäuble. (Just move your mouse over him – sorry, the appearing text is German only, but click it to get info (mostly) in English.)

With this, I’m joining currently (at least) 330 blogs and websites who demonstrate this way against ever increasing all-embracing surveillance tendencies and similar restrictions to freedom and civil rights as especially our dear minister keeps thinking of time and time again…

More about that at the German Working Group on Data Retention (in English) and other campaigns such as NoPSIS und 82 Megaohm (both German only).